Can you tell us about yourself?
My name is Helene Lerner and I’m the author of Confidence Booster - How to Boost Confidence, Set Boundaries and Practice Self-Care in the Changing Work World.
I wasn’t always the successful woman I am today. In my early 20’s, I almost jumped out of a four-story window to end my life — I was obese and depressed. But something inside of me told me not to. “There is more to life, Helene. You will find it!” That week, I found a support group that helped me in many ways: I lost over fifty pounds, learned new, constructive routines and got rid of my “people-pleasing” habit by learning to say “no”. As I forged ahead, I found myself!
The near-suicide experience, along with getting the help I needed, motivated me to start my business, Creative Expansions, Inc. Its mission is to empower women and girls to become the best version of themselves. For me, it’s not just a job—it is my passion.
How did “Confidence Booster” come to be?
Over the course of my career, I have hosted and produced Emmy Award-winning television shows, written 14 books, and created the website. I am now a social media influencer with over nineteen million followers, a keynote speaker, and consultant to Fortune 500 companies on Diversity issues.
Since the pandemic, I have seen women become even more exhausted than usual by trying to manage work and family responsibilities, including homeschooling and taking care of elder family members. I have led powerful virtual events for thousands of businesswomen. Someone suggested that I write a book about my work. At first, my response was, ‘When -- I don’t have the time! But my publisher and I found a way to make it happen.
The first part of the book is a compilation of the work I have been doing with women—a practical five-step program to teach my methods to boost confidence. The second part consists of practical actions and inspiring quotes that have been proven to be effective by my followers. I’ve received overwhelming feedback from followers who report life-changing increases in self-confidence and the specific ways in which it has resulted in happier lives at home and productivity in the office.
Why is this book important? Who is it for?
Women have been especially hard-hit by Covid-19. Many of us were already running on empty taking care of our families, including kids, aging parents, and work responsibilities. Now, as we are facing re-entry into the workplace, there are new issues. In a hybrid workplace, some workers are remote, and all must deal with various types of inequities as they arise. Also, mental health issues are receiving new attention from corporations where workers feel less grounded than in the past. Clearly, many of us need a confidence reboot.
What are the takeaways once you’ve read “Confidence Booster?”
I hope to help readers discover a newfound appreciation of their own resilience. The book will arm them with a practical toolkit for when things get rough. Knowing how to pivot around an obstacle can really come down to just a few practicable steps.
What are your favorite writing prompts and why?
Saying NO means saying YES to yourself!
Confidence is moving forward when you think you can make a difference.
Do it because you believe in it -- even if your knees are shaking.
What’s next?
I’ll be hosting events and shows for HerTime TV on Facebook Watch.
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